Unemployment Compensation by AGIThe IFO published a research brief that uses the latest federal tax return data to provide a breakdown by income class for unemployment compensation (UC) benefits received by Pennsylvania residents in 2019 and 2020. For 2020, residents received $33.4 billion of UC income and $21.3 billion (64%) was reported on the federal tax return. For amounts reported, $2.9 billion (13.4%) was reported by filers with more than $100,000 of adjusted gross income (AGI). High income taxpayers qualify for UC benefits because the federal program does not apply income thresholds. Tags: brief, compensation, research, unemployment |
SEIU Local 668 - UC Referees Wage Contract AnalysisThis letter provides a fiscal impact analysis of the collective bargaining agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 668 Unemployment compensation (UC) Referees. 02/15/2024 |
Unemployment compensation by AGIThe IFO published a research brief that uses the latest federal tax return data to provide a breakdown by income class for unemployment compensation (UC) benefits received by Pennsylvania residents in 2019 and 2020. For 2020, residents received $33.4 billion of UC income and $21.3 billion (64%) was reported on the federal tax return. For amounts reported, $2.9 billion (13.4%) was reported by filers with more than $100,000 of adjusted gross income (AGI). High income taxpayers qualify for UC benefits because the federal program does not apply income thresholds. 12/21/2022 |
PA and U.S. Record Historic Wage GrowthUsing the latest data, the Independent Fiscal Office published a research brief that finds historic wage gains for the U.S. and Pennsylvania. The brief notes that employee compensation comprises 56% of final sales and firms will likely push most labor costs forward to final consumers, thereby putting upward pressure on prices and inflation. 11/03/2021 |
Labor Market Update - September 2021The IFO released its monthly update that tracks the state labor market. The labor market contracted slightly in August on a year-over-year basis relative to a no-pandemic scenario. These data reflect the final month of federal unemployment compensation benefits. 09/20/2021 |
SEIU Local 668 UC Referees Unit Wage Contract AnalysisThe Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) has issued a cost analysis of the collective bargaining agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 668 Unemployment compensation (UC) Referees. 05/07/2020 |
ACN_SB1071_A10803_text.pdf17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 multiplier," "compensation," "creditable nonschool service," "credited service," "date of termination of service," "distribution," "domestic relations order," "final average salary," "inactive member," "intervening T-D 1.000 T-E 1.000 T-F 1.000 T-G 1.000 T-H 1.000 * * * "Compensation." Pickup contributions and mandatory pickup participant contributions plus any remuneration received as a school employee excluding reimbursements for expenses incidental Hits: 188 |
PBB_2022_DLI_REPORT.pdfblank. – Table of Contents Background on Performance-Based Budgeting ...................................................................................... 1 Department of Labor and Industry Overview ........................................................................................ 3 Activity 1: Unemployment Compensation Benefits ................................................................................. 9 Activity 2: Unemployment Compensation Tax Services ........................................................................ 17 Activity 3: Unemployment Compensation Appeals ............................................................................... 21 Activity 4: Workforce Development .................................................................................................... 23 Activity 5: Apprenticeship and Training Office Hits: 96 |
2002_dbdc_report.pdflargely restricted to limited employee subgroups, such as public educators, higher education faculty and staff, unclassified public employees, or highly compensated elected or appointed officials. In recent years, however, the DC approach has seen significant growth, although the DB approach continues 403(b)) Act 81 of 1987 authorized the SERS Board of Trustees to implement and oversee an IRC 457 deferred compensation program for Commonwealth officers and employees, and a third party administrator, CitiStreet (formerly The Copeland Companies), was selected by the Hits: 74 |
ACN_SB1_A01354_A01558_2017_06_03a.pdf2010). For new members, the relevant provisions are as follows: The standard employee contribution rate, as a percent of compensation, is 7.5% (PSERS) or 6.25% (SERS). The employee may elect a higher contribution rate in exchange for a participate in both a DB and DC plan. Under this option: Employees contribute a total of 8.25% of compensation, which would be divided between the DB and DC components as follows: PSERS members 5.5% (DB) and 2.75% Hits: 64 |
2013_special_report_funding_and_reforming_public_employee_retirement_systems.pdfa strict construction to this constitutional provision as it applied to statutory retirement benefits, holding that retirement benefits are future compensation for present services, and our courts have done so ever since. In fact, when the Commonwealth simply raised the future PENSION LIABILITIESA.Reduction of Liabilities1. The nature of the contract clause protection is the concept that retirement benefits are future compensation, presently earned. In other words, the employee undertakes to perform services for the employer in return for compensation, both present Hits: 36 |
2006_surviving_spouse_healthcare_study.pdfactuarial accrued liability Legal, Eligibility and Administrative Considerations Article III, § 26 of the Pennsylvania Constitution forbids the granting of “extra compensation . . . after services have been rendered,” except for increases in “retirement allowances or pensions of members of a retirement or pension an interest rate of 5.0% per year and payroll growth of 3.3% per year. The demographic assumptions for compensation increases, withdrawal, retirement, disability, and mortality are those used for the December 31, 2004, actuarial valuation of SERS. The liabilities Hits: 27 |
Public Employee Retirement Laws of PA Local Governments (2009).pdftrust fund and the revenues and expenses of the fund. The demographic data provide information on the current number and compensation of active and retired members. Through the issuance of rules and regulations, the Public Employee Retirement Commission may modify the amount an employee contributes is based on the con- tracted plan provisions and is expressed principally as a percentage of compensation or salary. Summary of Plan Provisions. PMRS has two standard plans under the statute: one for nonuniformed employees and one Hits: 23 |
2000_cost_of_living_adjustments.pdfinterpreted as constraining the benefit recipients that may be included in a postretirement adjustment. The provision is as follows: Extra Compensation Prohibited; Claims against the Commonwealth; Pensions Section 26. No bill shall be passed giving any extra compensation to any public officer, servant, employee, agent or contractor, after services shall have been rendered or contract made, nor providing Hits: 16 |
Revenue_Proposal_Analysis_2021_04.pdfresident and non-resident individuals, estates and trusts and pass-through business entities. Eight income categories comprise taxable income: (1) compensation for labor services (e.g., wages, salaries, options, bonuses), (2) net business profits (sole proprietors, partnerships, S corporation shareholders, self- taxable income for filers reporting less than $100,000 of taxable income was wages or salaries (referred to as taxable compensation, weighted average of 88.0%), followed by net profits (5.2%). ▪ For filers reporting between $100,000 and $500,000 Hits: 14 |
Revenue-Proposal-Analysis-2019-03.pdffederal minimum if a tipped worker earns at least $30 per month in tips or commissions and total compensation yields an hourly wage rate of $7.25 or more. For Pennsylvania, such employees can be paid a wage as low as would increase by 7.8 percent ($560 million / $7.2 billion). 35 Federal tax data show that wage compensation comprises roughly one-quarter of total costs for the food service sector, and if so, prices would need to increase by 1 Hits: 14 |
TC_2020_Keystone_Innovation_Zone_Tax_Credit.pdfestate developers to expand or modify existing zones. Coordinators are not DCED employees and do not receive state compensation for their efforts. DOR and DCED provided estimates for staff time and annual cost to administer and enforce the KIZ Tax Credit young firms and the analysis assumes they are generally used to pay short-term expenses related to employee compensa- tion, and to a lesser extent, supplies and equipment. For the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit review, the analysis assumed Hits: 11 |
Five_Year_Outlook_2021.pdfof real services provided to service populations in the base year. Hence, most expenditure projections include an inflationary adjustment to compensate for rising prices. Combined, the two forecasts provide a reasonable lower and upper bound for future spending. The report projects 5% from the prior year in 2021 Q2. ▪ Personal Income recorded historic growth in 2021 Q1 due to federal unemployment compensa- tion programs, economic impact payments and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) transfers. Growth in 2021 Q2 contracts due to the decline Hits: 11 |
Five_Year_Outlook_2020.pdfreal services provided to service populations in the base year. Hence, most ex- penditure projections include an inflationary adjustment to compensate for rising prices. Combined, the two forecasts provide a reasonable lower and upper bound for future spending. The report projects growth offset much of the loss from the prior quarter. Personal income recorded strong growth due to special unemployment compensation programs, economic impact payments and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. 2 For 2020 Q4, the latest data reveal year- Hits: 11 |
2002_drop_report.pdfinto a separate account that earns interest at a rate specified by statute or ordinance and ceases crediting the additional compensation and service for retirement benefit purposes. DROP participants generally do not make contributions to the pension plan while participating in DROPs have the potential to conflict with state and federal law. 4) Payroll costs will be higher because more highly compensated, long-service employees will be retained as DROP participants instead of being replaced by new, lower paid employees. Promotional opportunities Hits: 10 |
RB-2015-04.pdfoccupation, number of hours worked, age, sex, ethnicity and other demographic information. The survey also asks respondents whether they are compensated on an hourly or non‐hourly (i.e., salary) basis. For Pennsylvania, the CPS Ðinds that workers who report they are compensated on an hourly basis comprise roughly three‐ Ðifths of total non‐farm payroll employment. For the U.S., the respective Hits: 9 |
PBB_2021_DMVA_REPORT_ADDENDUM.pdfVeterans Center and Pennsylvania Soldiers and Sailors Home). Counties and veterans service organizations (VSOs) assisted veterans to increase the total compensation and pension benefits paid annually to Pennsylvania veterans from $2.4 billion in federal fiscal year (FFY) 2015 to $2.9 billion in FFY 2019. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reported that the total annual compensation and pension payments to Pennsylvania veterans increased 4.6 percent per annum over this time period. These pension payments are Hits: 9 |
Revenue-Proposal-Analysis-2018-04.pdffor this illustration. The computation excludes revenue from the vol- ume-based tax dedicated to the worker’s compensation fund. That portion of the levy has since been eliminated. 13 The result is obtained by multiplying the taxable production for FYE both). The differences between these methods make them difficult to compare side-by-side, but the lifetime ETR compensates for this difficulty. For states that levy a volume-based tax, the lifetime ETR converts that tax rate to a standard rate Hits: 8 |
2004_srpvffinal.pdfmade available to the volunteer. In order to qualify for the special tax treatment, the volunteer must not be otherwise compensated for such services and the annual amount accruing for such services must not exceed $3,000. In addition, the length of service awards are not considered compensation for the purposes of the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA). Background Discussion (Cont'd) -7- SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY House Resolution Hits: 8 |
Revenue-Proposal-Analysis-2020-04.pdfThis provision is expected to reduce FY 2020-21 PIT withholding revenues by $14 million. Transfer to Workers’ Compensation Security Fund The administration’s proposal creates a one-time PIT transfer to the Workers’ Compensation Security Fund in repayment of a FY 2016-17 transfer to the General Fund. This transfer will occur in FY 2024-25 Hits: 7 |
Revenue-Estimate-2020-05.pdfPennsylvania residents decrease by 3.2 percent (2020) and increase by 5.5 percent (2021). Those amounts exclude compensation earned by self-employed and inde- pendent contractors. Payroll Employment contracts by 495,300 (2020, annualized basis) and expands by 357 injects a large amount of federal monies into the state economy. Normal state safety net programs, notably unemployment compensation (UC), will also reduce the economic downturn caused by mitigation efforts. Table 1.3 provides estimates of the funds that will flow Hits: 7 |
RB_2021_01_Economic_Impact_of_Federal_Stimulus.pdfprovides a brief discussion of the following provisions: ▪ Economic Impact Payments (EIPs), commonly referred to as stimulus checks. ▪ Expanded unemployment compensation (UC) programs. ▪ Expansion of the Child Tax Credit for tax year (TY) 2021. ▪ Emergency allotments to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), funding for vaccines and testing, support to hospitals, enhanced UC payments (extra $600 per week, compensation for self-employed and gig economy workers) and direct and general support to state and local governments. 2) Lost Wage Hits: 7 |
Official_Revenue_Estimate_Methodology_2023_06.pdfTransfer income is unusually high for 2020 and 2021 due to economic impact payments and extra federal and state unemployment compensation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The forecast projects that Cash Income will increase to $780.9 billion in 2023 resident and non-resident individuals, estates and trusts and pass-through business entities. Eight income categories comprise taxable income: (1) compensation for labor services (e.g., wages, salaries, options, bonuses), (2) net business profits, (3) net capital gains, (4) rent and Hits: 7 |
Official_Revenue_Estimate_Methodology_2022.pdfTransfer income is unusually high for 2020 and 2021 due to economic impact payments and extra federal and state unemployment compensation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The forecast projects that Cash Income will decline to $728.3 billion in 2022 resident and non-resident individuals, estates and trusts and pass-through business entities. Eight income categories comprise taxable income: (1) compensation for labor services (e.g., wages, salaries, options, bonuses), (2) net business profits, (3) net capital gains, (4) rent and Hits: 7 |
Official_Revenue_Estimate_Methodology_2021.pdfTransfer income is unusually high for 2020 and 2021 due to economic impact payments and extra federal and state unemployment compensation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In normal years, that income source would comprise 11% of Cash Income. The forecast resident and non-resident individuals, estates and trusts and pass-through business entities. Eight income categories comprise taxable income: (1) compensation for labor services (e.g., wages, salaries, options, bonuses), (2) net business profits, (3) net capital gains, (4) rent and Hits: 7 |
Official-Revenue-Estimate-Methodology-2020-6.pdfTransfer income is unusually high for 2020 due to economic impact payments and extra federal and state unemployment compensation related to the COVID- 19 pandemic. In normal years, that income source would comprise 11 percent of Cash Income. The forecast projects non-resident individuals, estates and trusts and pass-through business entities. Eight income categories comprise taxable income: (1) compensation for labor services (e.g., wages, salaries, options, bonuses), (2) net business profits, (3) net capital gains, (4) rent and royalty income Hits: 7 |
Official-Revenue-Estimate-2020-06.pdfPennsylvania residents decrease by 3.2 percent (2020) and increase by 5.0 percent (2021). Those amounts exclude compensation earned by self-employed and inde- pendent contractors. Payroll Employment contracts by 453,000 (2020, annualized basis) and expands by 309 injects a large amount of federal monies into the state economy. Normal state safety net programs, notably unemployment compensation (UC), will also reduce the economic downturn caused by mitigation efforts. Table 1.3 provides estimates of the funds that will flow Hits: 7 |
Pensionsan annual benefit accrual rate of 2% and would have a corresponding employee contribution requirement equal to 7.5% of compensation. • Established an optional new class of membership in PSERS, known as "Class T-F." Any employee who becomes a member annual benefit accrual rate of 2.5% and would have a corresponding employee contribution requirement equal to 10.3% of compensation. • Established a new class of membership in SERS applicable to most new members (including members of the General Assembly), known Hits: 7 |
Revenue-Update-2020-04.pdfand -1.7 percent (Scenario 2). Both scenarios assume that 1.1 million workers (includes self-employed that receive unemployment compensation) are impacted by business closures in 2020 Q2. In Scenario 1, one-half return to work after the six-week 4 provides estimates of the funds that will flow into Pennsylvania due to federal stimulus and state payments for unemployment compensation. The table only includes monies that will be directly injected into the economy by the state or federal government that Hits: 6 |
RB-2020-COVID-19 Local Revenue Impact.pdfproperty tax bills sent in March 2020, (2) EIT remittances received during the calendar year, which are attributable to wage compensation and certain net profits earned one quarter prior (i.e., 2019 Q4 to 2020 Q3) and (3) gaming local share statewide job loss data by sector, (2) county specific employment and wages paid by sector (CY 2019), (3) total unemployment compensation (UC) payments for 2020 Q2 by county and (4) county data published by the Department of Revenue (DOR) for wage Hits: 6 |
Official_Revenue_Estimate_Methodology_2024_06.pdfresident and non-resident individuals, estates and trusts and pass-through business entities. Eight income categories comprise taxable income: (1) compensation for labor services (e.g., wages, salaries, options, bonuses), (2) net business profits, (3) net capital gains, (4) rent and Medical Accounts, any payments made by employers on behalf of employees for health or life insurance, life insurance proceeds, unemployment compensation, worker’s compensation, compensation for certain military service and most educational grants and scholarships. Methodology The personal income tax (PIT Hits: 6 |
Official-Revenue-Estimate-Methodology-2019-06.pdfnon-resident individuals, estates and trusts and pass-through business entities. Eight income categories comprise taxable income: (1) compensation for labor services (e.g., wages, salaries, options, bonuses), (2) net business profits, (3) net capital gains, (4) rent and royalty income any payments made by employers on behalf of employees for health or life insurance, life insurance proceeds, unemployment compensation, worker’s compensation, compensation for certain military service and most educational grants and scholarships. Methodology The personal income tax (PIT) model is Hits: 6 |
Five_Year_Outlook_2019.pdfprovided to service populations in the base year. Hence, most ex- penditure projections include an inflationary adjustment to compensate for rising prices and an appropriate demographic extrapolator. Combined, the two forecasts provide a reasonable lower and upper bound for future spending agencies in FY 2024-25 is due to the repayment of a $165 million transfer from the Workers’ Compensation Security Fund to the General Fund that occurred in FY 2016-17. 8 Roughly $47 million in expenditures within the Departments Hits: 6 |
TC_2021_Keystone_Special_Development_Zones_Update.pdfbusiness not within the KSDZ, a tax liability apportionment formula is applied based on property within the KSDZ, payroll and compensation of contractors. For further detail see the KSDZ guidelines: https://dced.pa.gov/download/keystone-special-development-zone-guidelines/?wpdmdl spent on education and health care. 24 19 Although the tax credit offsets roughly 3 to 4 percent of labor compensation costs, it can be claimed for up to 10 years if the firm continues to reside in the zone. 20 Hits: 5 |
PBB_2019_PCCD_Report.pdfsupport for victims of crime. This proposal would improve notification to victims and ex- pand access to victim compensation funds. Improve pretrial decision-making. This proposal would increase the use of pretrial risk assessment information to enhance public safety and informational resources to assist victim service providers and allied professionals. Financial assistance to victims through the Victims Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP). Direct services to child victims of physical and sexual abuse by supporting Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) and Hits: 5 |
TC_2021_Video_Game_Production.pdfpercent of a video game’s total production expense. 2 Produc- tion expenses include, but are not limited to, employee compensation, cost of food and lodging, purchase of music or story rights and game development. Pennsylvania production expenses (“qualified expenses” for percent of total video game project expendi- tures. Non-qualified expenses are those that flow outside the state such as compensation paid to most non-resident employees or services performed by out-of-state businesses. Wages and salaries comprise more than Hits: 4 |
SEIU_Local_668_UC_Referees_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2024.pdfanalysis considers the recent collective bargaining agreement between the Commonwealth and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 668 - Unemployment Compensation (UC) Referees. (See Table 1 and Methodology on the last page.) The analysis uses the following parameters and data obtained 2024 step increase, multiplied by the 2.0% GPI. Table 1 Analysis of Collective Bargaining Agreement SEIU Local 668 - Unemployment Compensation Referees 1 Annual savings from the replacement of high-wage senior workers with less experienced lower wage workers (1.74% Hits: 4 |
SEIU Local 668 UC Referees Analysis- 2020.pdfanalysis considers the recent collective bargaining agreement between the Commonwealth and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 668 Unemployment Compensation (UC) Referees Unit. The analysis uses the following parameters and data obtained from the state accounting system as of July rate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 4 |
Revenue_Estimate_2021_05.pdfmitigation efforts and business closures. It also assumes that no new federal monies flow to state residents and temporary unemployment compensation (UC) programs expire as scheduled in September. Pennsylvania Economic Forecast Table 1.1 displays a summary of the Pennsylvania economic 2.4% (2022). ▪ Wages and Salaries paid to Pennsylvania residents increases by 6.7% (2021) and 4.3% (2022) (excludes compensation earned by self-employed and independent contractors). ▪ Payroll Employment expands by 100,000 (2021, average for full year) and 80 Hits: 4 |
RB_2022_12_UC_By_AGI.pdffor tax year 2020. These data provide the most complete snapshot of income levels for Pennsylvania residents who received unemployment compensation (UC) during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. For that year, the federal government enacted several special UC programs including the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program for self-employed (normally ineligible), the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program that provided an extra $600 per week (through July 2020) and the Lost Wage Assistance (LWA) program that Hits: 4 |
PBB_2023_PID_REPORT.pdfspecial funds from FY 2017-18 through FY 2021-22. Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error (MCARE) Fund ensures compensation for persons injured due to medical negligence by paying claims against participating health care providers for losses or damages awarded in medical liability actions in excess of primary coverage provided by professional liability insurance companies or self-insurers. Workers’ Compensation Security Fund (WCSF) provides wage and medical claim payments to individuals entitled to benefits under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act Hits: 4 |
PBB_2019_Criminal_Justice_Report.pdfsupport for victims of crime. This proposal would improve notification to victims and ex- pand access to victim compensation funds. Improve pretrial decision-making. This proposal would increase the use of pretrial risk assessment information to enhance public safety and home plan needed, (2) home plan rejected, (3) Bureau of Community Corrections referral pending, or (4) unpaid victim compensation fees. De- creases in this measure help to reduce the inmate population. Recommended: Days to perform initial assessment and placement in Hits: 4 |
June_Revenue_Estimate_2021.pdfmitigation efforts and business closures. It also assumes that no new federal monies flow to state residents and temporary unemployment compensation (UC) programs expire as scheduled in September. Pennsylvania Economic Forecast Table 1.1 displays a summary of the Pennsylvania economic 2.4% (2022). ▪ Wages-Salaries paid to Pennsylvania residents increases by 6.4% (2021) and 4.3% (2022) (ex- cludes compensation earned by self-employed and independent contractors). ▪ Payroll Employment expands by 100,000 (2021, average for full year) and 80 Hits: 4 |
Economic_and_Revenue_Update_2020_10.pdfthe IFO assumes foregone labor income of $25.5 billion for CY 2020. 1 By comparison, the unemployment compensation and economic impact payments inject $42.3 billion into the state economy, which more than offsets lost labor income. It is important Tip Income -1.5 high degree of uncertainty Total -25.5 Unemployment Comp and Individual Stimulus State Unemployment Compensation (UC) $5.2 average of $330 per week Federal Pandemic Unemployment Comp (FPUC) 15.9 program has concluded Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA Hits: 4 |
TC_2021_Neighborhood_Assistance_Program.pdfis reduced by 20 percent to reflect the fact that the portion used to pay state or public school employee compensation includes pension contributions and employer and employee payroll taxes, which do not have immediate implications for the state economy. 22 large share of the NAP Tax Credit. If they did not donate those funds, they could use them to raise compensation, advertise, make other investments, pay shareholder dividends, engage in share buy- backs or simply retain the funds. 23 Earnings include Hits: 3 |
TC_2019_Film_Production_Tax_Credit_Report.pdffinal value of all goods and services produced in the state economy during the calendar year. It includes compensation paid to or earned by all individuals who supply labor to produce goods and services, including partners and independent contractors. It also on that profile, 42.1 percent of qualified spending flows to non-residents in the form of labor compensation, 25.7 percent to Pennsylvania residents as wages and 32.2 percent to goods and services providers (e.g., cater- ers, lodging Hits: 3 |
Tax_Modernization_Mar_2024.pdfOlder residents with minimal dividend and/or interest income file too 8 Income Classes Tax Modernization & Reform Slide 2 1. Compensation Wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, tips 2. Interest 3. Net Profits: Business or Profession Sole props, partnerships, S corps 4. Net Dividends Stocks and mutual fund distributions 7. Gambling and Lottery All forms of gaming; any prizes 8. Estates and Trusts Compensation and Interest Income Slide 3 Tax Modernization & Reform Compensation Interest Income Range Amount Share Amount Share $0 $25k $18.6 Hits: 3 |
State_Tax_Comparison_2023_02.pdfsources of income such as wages, business income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, employer contributions to pension and health plans, unemployment compensation and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, various medical and income maintenance benefits). Similar to other published tax burden studies Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all states received large infusions of federal stimulus funds such as various federal unemployment compensation programs (e.g., Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)), economic impact payments and expanded SNAP benefits. Most of those programs are reflected Hits: 3 |
Revenue_Estimate_2022_06.pdf0.5% (2023). ▪ Wages and Salaries paid to Pennsylvania residents increases by 7.7% (2022) and 5.5% (2023) (excludes compensation earned by self-employed and independent contractors). ▪ Payroll Employment expands by 135,000 (2022, annual average) and 30,000 (2023 nearly $400 million to Pennsylvania residents in CY 2022. 2020 2021 2022 Total Payments to Individuals or Businesses State Unemployment Compensation $5.2 $0.8 $0.0 $6.0 Federal Pandemic Unemployment Comp (FPUC) 16.2 8.8 0.1 25 Hits: 3 |
RB_08_2023_County_Income_Patterns.pdf2021, the BEA estimates that $52 billion was disbursed to county residents and business owners through various programs including unemployment compensation (UC, $16 billion, includes state amounts above “normal” payments), economic impact payments (EIPs, $23 billion), emergency SNAP benefits ($4 billion 9 156 4,200 Pandemic Relief Programs (2021) Note: Pandemic relief in millions of dollars. UC is pandemic-related Unemployment Compensation, EIP is Economic Impact Payments, LWA is Lost Wage Assistance, PPP is Paycheck Protection Program loans, SNAP & P-EBT include Hits: 3 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_August_2020.pdfin Unemployment Benefits Since March On August 11, the Wall Street Journal released an analysis of the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program. From early April to July 31, the federal government spent nearly $250 billion on the extra $600 per benefits for self-employed and part-time workers affected by the pandemic and $0.2 billion in Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) for individuals that have exhausted regular unemployment compensation (UC) benefits. Finally, the state-funded UC program has provided an Hits: 3 |
Ironman_Triathlon_Impact_Analysis_2024_04.pdfwere input into the IMPLAN input- output model. The model converts new spending into economic impacts such as jobs supported, compensation paid and final sales or output. The economic impacts include (1) the direct effect of new spending (e.g., visitor for leakage from the state economy as direct spending related to the event is re-spent by recipients. 4 • Employee Compensation: The IMPLAN model estimates that $1.5 million in employee wages and self-employment income were generated for Pennsylvania workers Hits: 3 |
IFO - Economic and Budget Outlook - January 2012.pdfthe sum of wages, proprietor, rental, dividend, and interest income plus various government transfers such as social security and unemployment compensation. 2 For the FY 2011-12 base year, model projections are calibrated based on receipts through December 2011. 5 For that certain technical parameters remain constant. Personal Income Tax The Commonwealth levies a tax of 3.07 percent on taxable compensation (wages and salaries), business net profits (income from proprietorships, partnerships or other unincorporated business entities), and other taxable income (interest Hits: 3 |
Five_Year_Outlook_2022.pdfreal services provided to service populations in the base year. Hence, most ex- penditure projections include an inflationary adjustment to compensate for rising prices. Combined, the two forecasts provide a reasonable lower and upper bound for future spending. The report projects percentage points due to unusually strong growth for FY 2023-24, largely due to inflationary adjust- ments (e.g., employee compensation) and a significant increase for retiree healthcare (similar to other agencies). After that year, expenditures grow at an average rate Hits: 3 |
index.cfmof the collective bargaining agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 668 Unemployment Compensation (UC) Referees. ... (Full Report) State and Local Tax Revenues: A 50 State Comparison Economics and Other February 14, 2024 This shift of roughly $200 million of revenue that would normally have been receipted in November to December. ... (Full Report) Unemployment Compensation by AGI Economics and Other December 21, 2022 The IFO published a research brief that uses the latest federal tax Hits: 3 |
TC_2021_Entertainment_Economic_Enhancement_Program.pdfresold at Pennsylvania concerts) and payments made to a personal service corporation representing individual talent. 3 Qualified expenses include employee compensation, transportation costs, food and lodging. 4 Allowable concert venues may include a stadium, arena, other structure or property owned by employer and employee payroll taxes, which do not have immediate impli- cations for the state economy. 25 Earnings include employee compensation such as wages and salaries, employer contributions for health insurance and the net earnings of sole proprietorships and partnerships. It Hits: 2 |
TC_2020_Research and Development Tax Credit.pdfthe tax credit. Line 6 The analysis assumes that the higher R&D spending is 85 percent employee compensation and 15 percent supplies. Those amounts are split equally across three representative subsectors that claim signif- icant RDTCs. 29 Essentially, the analysis all R&D spending motivated by the tax credit is spent in the state and all employee wage compensation would be taxed. Moreover, all spending for contract labor is also assumed to occur in the state and personal income tax is Hits: 2 |
TC_2020_Mobile Telecommunications Broadband Investment Tax Credit.pdfspending, that amount should be reduced to reflect the fact that the portion used to pay state employee compensation includes pension contributions and employer payroll taxes which do not have immediate implications for the state economy. Therefore, the analysis reduces the from employees that spend higher wages and business owners that spend higher profits. 20 Earnings includes all employee compensation such as wages and salaries, benefits and payroll taxes plus the net earnings of sole proprietorships and partnerships. 21 The 35 percent Hits: 2 |
TC_2019_New_Jobs_Tax_Credit_Report.pdfspending, that amount should be reduced to reflect the fact that the portion used to pay state employee compensation includes pension contributions and employer payroll taxes which do not have immediate implications for the state economy. Therefore, the analysis reduces the The hiring of an unemployed Pennsylvania resident is particularly beneficial as it may reduce state expenditures for unemployment compensation and other benefits. Policymakers should consider significant program revisions, reprogram the JCTC funding to benefit another more efficient economic development program or Hits: 2 |
State_Tax_Comparison_2022_01.pdfsources of income such as wages, business income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, employer contributions to pension and health plans, unemployment compensation and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, various medical and income maintenance benefits). Similar to other published tax burden studies capital income (e.g., interest, dividends and capital gains), pensions, IRA withdrawals and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, unemployment compensation). Pennsylvania ranked 19 th for PIT, and the ratio was higher than both the U.S. average (2.22%) and Hits: 2 |
State_Tax_Comparison_2020_11.pdfincome such as wages, business income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, employer contributions to pension and health plans, unemployment compensation and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, various medical and income maintenance benefits). Similar to other published tax burden studies, the analysis e.g., interest, dividends and capital gains), pensions, IRA withdrawals and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, unemployment compensation). Pennsylvania ranked 20 th for PIT, and the ratio was higher than both the U.S. average (2.24 percent) and weighted Hits: 2 |
State-Tax-Comparison-2020-01.pdfincome such as wages, business income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, employer contributions to pension and health plans, unemployment compensation and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, various medical and income maintenance benefits). Similar to other published tax burden studies, the analysis e.g., interest, dividends and capital gains), pensions, IRA withdrawals and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, unemployment compensation). Pennsylvania ranked 19 th for PIT, and the ratio was higher than both the U.S. average (2.23 percent) and weighted Hits: 2 |
State and Local Tax Burden Study.pdfstate residents. It includes wages, business income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, contributions to pension and health plans, unemployment compensation, veterans’ benefits and transfer income (e.g., social security and various medical and income maintenance benefits). 1 Personal income does not include g., interest, dividends and capital gains), pensions, IRA withdrawals and certain transfer income (e.g., social security, unemployment compensation). States levy CIT on the net income of C corporations. Most states use formulas to apportion federal net income to the state Hits: 2 |
SR2017-03.pdfsources of income such as wages, business income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, employer contributions to pension and health plans, unemployment compensation and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, various medical and income maintenance benefits). Similar to other published tax burden studies capital income (e.g., interest, dividends and capital gains), pensions, IRA withdrawals and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, unemployment compensation). Pennsylvania ranked 19 th for PIT, and the ratio was higher than both the U.S. average (2.21 percent Hits: 2 |
Revenue_Estimate_2023_06.pdfin CY 2024. Wages and Salaries paid increases by 5.1% (CY 2023) and 3.8% (CY 2024) (excludes compensa- tion paid to independent contractors). The IHS Markit forecast projects stronger wage growth for both years. Payroll Employment expands in FY 2020-21 due to various pandemic-relief programs such as direct payments to individuals and ex- panded unemployment compensation, then declined in FY 2021-22 as sales reverted to more typical levels. For FY 2022-23, traditional Lottery sales Hits: 2 |
Revenue_Estimate_2022_05.pdf0.9% (2023). ▪ Wages and Salaries paid to Pennsylvania residents increases by 7.8% (2022) and 5.5% (2023) (excludes compensation earned by self-employed and independent contractors). ▪ Payroll Employment expands by 130,000 (2022, annual average) and 40,000 (2023 the childcare subsector contracted by 3,000 (-6.9%). 2020 2021 2022 Total Payments to Individuals or Businesses State Unemployment Compensation $5.2 $0.8 $0.0 $6.0 Federal Pandemic Unemployment Comp (FPUC) 16.2 8.8 0.1 25 Hits: 2 |
Revenue-Estimate-2023-05.pdfin CY 2024. Wages and Salaries paid increases by 5.3% (CY 2023) and 4.1% (CY 2024) (excludes compensa- tion paid to independent contractors). The IHS Markit forecast projects stronger wage growth for CY 2023. Payroll Employment expands in FY 2020-21 due to various pandemic-relief programs such as direct payments to individuals and ex- panded unemployment compensation, then declined in FY 2021-22 as sales reverted to more typical levels. For FY 2022-23, traditional Lottery sales Hits: 2 |
RB_2024_06_Sources_PA_Income.pdfAmerican Community Survey. Divs, Interest and Rent includes royalty and estate income. Business includes self-employment income. UC is unemployment compensation. Other includes TANF and WIC. 2022 Pennsylvania Income Comparison Independent Fiscal Office Page 2 model uses Cash Income, which is refundable portion of Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC, $2.2 billion) and Child Tax Credit (CTC, $2.9 billion). Unemployment Compensation and Other Published data from the NIPAs for all recipients (Table SA35). Other includes Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF Hits: 2 |
RB_2023_06_Student_Loan_Repayment.pdfincludes full- and part-time workers and self-employed. ▪ Labor income falls by $2.0 billion. Labor income includes employee compensation and self- employment income. 8 ▪ Value Added or nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) falls by $3.4 billion. This metric Student Loan Forbearance,” Dinerstein et al., Becker Friedman Institute Working Paper No. 2023- 62 (May 2023). 8 For IMPLAN, employee compensation is the total payroll cost of the employee paid by the employer and includes wages and salaries, all benefits (e Hits: 2 |
RB_2022_08 County Income Patterns.pdfrelief programs. For 2020, the BEA estimates that around $53 billion was distributed to counties through various programs including unemployment compensation (UC) ($30 billion, includes regular state amounts above “normal” payments), economic impact payments (EIPs, $11 billion) and lost wage assistance 1 53,132.7 4,160 Per Capita Note: Pandemic Relief in millions of dollars. UC is pandemic-related unemployment compensation, EIP is economic impact payments, LWA is lost wage assistance and PPP is Paycheck Protection Programs loans. Pandemic Relief Programs Hits: 2 |
RB_2021_11_Wage_Growth.pdfU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported 2021 Q3 data for the U.S. employer cost index (ECI, wage compensation only) and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) published September data for total wages paid to U.S just one. (See graph.) The graph also shows the YOY growth in the Philadelphia CPI-U through 2021 Q3. Employee compensation typically comprises about 56% of state Gross Domestic Product, or final sales. Given that large share, and the current ability Hits: 2 |
RB_11_2023_PA_Worker_Earnings.pdfearnings and (2) the Philadelphia metro region employment cost index (ECI) for wages and salaries (excludes benefits). These two labor compensation metrics are for private sector workers only and pertain to the third quarter of the calendar year. The two metrics 2023, the strong ECI growth reflects wage gains not attributable to worker departures or movement between sectors. • The two labor compensation metrics shown are for wages or earnings only, but BLS also publishes separate indexes for health insurance and total benefits Hits: 2 |
Presentation_2016-05-12_PaDUC_Impact_of_Demographics.pdfCohort 28 12.May.2016 AAGR PA Economy – Nominal Gross Domestic Product 3.2% Personal Income Tax Wages or Gross Compensation 3.3% Income Exempt from Tax Social Security Retirement 4.4% DB and DC Pensions 6.1% Individual Retirement Accounts 8.2% Income Maintenance and Disability 5.1% Sources: Gross compensation from PA tax return. Exempt income from various data sources. For a full explanation and description, see IFO’s Economic Hits: 2 |
Presentation-2019-5-1-PAEL.pdf43,838 Avg Annual Growth -0.6% 4.7% 11.8% Note: Includes wage earners only who report that wage compensation comprises at least 90% of taxable income in both years. Filers do not change filing status. First group includes 106 63,007 Avg Annual Growth -1.4% 4.4% 12.9% Note: Includes wage earners only who report that wage compensation comprises at least 90% of taxable income in both years. Filers do not change filing status. First group includes 32 Hits: 2 |
Presentation-2018-08-PA-State-Association-Boroughs.pdfTownship 3.6% 4.2% City 6.3% 4.1% All Local Units 5.1% 4.1% State Tax Return Compensation 3.1% 3.3% Net Profits 6.0% 4.4% Sum of Two Income Fields 3.4% 3.5% Economics received that could be spent or saved. Business Income includes S corporations, partnerships and sole proprietors. Income Maintenance includes unemployment compensation, SNAP, veterans’ benefits and disability programs. Source: Computations by the IFO using various government data sources. August.08.2018 24 Hits: 2 |
platt ppt.pdfand capital) o Business and government transfers 5 www.bea.gov Components of Personal Income ▪ Earnings (Place of Work) Compensation (Place of Work) Wages and salaries Supplements Employer payments for pensions and health insurance Employer contributions of Residence) ▪ Dividends, interest and rent (property income) ▪ Government and business transfers Including Social Security, UI, Medicare/Medicaid, workers’ compensation benefits 6 www.bea.gov Component Shares of Personal Income 7 Wages 50.1% Transfer Receipts 20.7% Other 29 Hits: 2 |
PBB_2023_DOR_REPORT.pdftaxes. These offsets are statutorily set and could be expanded to recover other funds due the Commonwealth such as unemployment compensation benefit overpayments and outstanding Pennsylvania Turnpike tolls. (See pages 17 to 22.) Property Tax and Rent Rebate (PTRR) The PTRR are statutorily set and with additional legislation could be expanded to recover other funds due the Commonwealth such as unemployment compensation benefit overpayments and outstanding Pennsylvania Turnpike tolls. 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 Distribution Hits: 2 |
PBB-Board Hearing Jan 23 2020.pptx2020 3 Organ and Bone Marrow Donation Tax credit for paid leave due to a living donation by employee ▪ Employee compensation paid up to 5 days ▪ Also cost of replacement help + qualified misc expenses tied to leave No firm has claimed term viability of KIZ firms unknown January 23, 2020 11 KIZ Recommendations Consider remuneration for KIZ coordinators ▪ No direct state compensation currently | many have full-time jobs ▪ Increases accountability | possibly expand role as a facilitator ▪ Allow coordinator 5% fee (currently paid Hits: 2 |
PACB_Presentation_2021_8.pdf5.3b CTC $0 COVID millions of dollars $950m Note: EIP is economic impact payment. UC is extra federal Unemployment Compensation. CTC is advance child tax credit payments. Data shifts $160 million of delayed tax revenues from June-July 2020 to UC $5.3b CTC $0b COVID millions of dollars Note: EIP is economic impact payment. UC is extra federal Unemployment Compensation. CTC is advance child tax credit payments. Data shifts $160 million of delayed tax revenues from July 2020 to April Hits: 2 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_September_2022.pdfdata lag other labor market data by one month. • Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims. Average new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. The average number of new claims fell to 6,800 in August 2022, and the number of pandemic average (62.8%). Higher LFPRs are a positive economic outcome but can also result in higher claims for unemployment compensation if employment is not available. The latest monthly data show slower gains in payroll employment and fewer job openings. If Hits: 2 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_September_2020.pdfincrease was driven by the distribution of federal economic impact payments and growth in unemployment insurance which includes Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Payments, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation. Personal consumption fell 10.0% from the same period in the prior year as the nation responded to the COVID- Hits: 2 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_October_2022.pdflag other labor market data by one month. Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims. Average new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. The average number of new claims fell to 6,000 in September 2022, a state record low pandemic average (62.8%). Higher LFPRs are a positive economic outcome but can also result in higher claims for unemployment compensation if employment is not available. The latest monthly data show gains in payroll employment and a modest decline in job Hits: 2 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_November_2022.pdfdata lag other labor market data by one month. • Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims. Average new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. The average number of new claims increased to 7,900 in October 2022 but the number of pandemic average (62.8%). Higher LFPRs are a positive economic outcome but can also result in higher claims for unemployment compensation if employment is not available. The latest monthly data show gains in payroll employment and additional job openings. If monthly Hits: 2 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_May_2021.pdfthan 2019 Q1. Data are not yet available to determine the workers who benefited from the strong wage growth. Employee compensation comprises 55% of total state gross domestic product (GDP, the value of what is produced) and most compensation is wage expenses. Data from the BEA show that wages comprise a much larger share of GDP for service sectors Hits: 2 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_July_2022.pdfother labor market data by one month. Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims. Average of new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. New claims remain below the pre-COVID level, but part of that outcome is impacted by the increased notably since January. Higher LFPRs are a positive economic outcome but can also result in higher claims for unemployment compensation if employment is not available. Overall, these data do not suggest a pullback in the labor market as the latest Hits: 2 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_December_2022.pdfdata lag other labor market data by one month. • Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims. Average new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. The average number of new claims increased to 10,600 in November 2022 but the number of pandemic average (62.8%). Higher LFPRs are a positive economic outcome but can also result in higher claims for unemployment compensation if employment is not available. The latest monthly data show gains in payroll employment and a modest increase in job Hits: 2 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_August_2022.pdfdata lag other labor market data by one month. • Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims. Average new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. The average number of new claims fell to 8,100 in July 2022 and the number of pandemic average (62.8%). Higher LFPRs are a positive economic outcome but can also result in higher claims for unemployment compensation if employment is not available. The latest monthly data continue to show solid gains in payroll employment and relatively strong Hits: 2 |
IFO_Hearing_Materials_Feb_22_2022.pdfRelief Programs Economics – Pandemic Relief Programs CY 2020 CY 2021 CY 2022 Total Payments to Individuals and Businesses State Unemployment Compensation $5.2 $0.8 $0.0 $6.0 Fed. Pandemic Unemployment Comp (FPUC) 16.2 8.8 0.0 25 ED stands for emergency department; STARS stands for Standards, Training/Professional Development, Assistance, Resources and Supports; UC stands for unemployment compensation, WIOA stands for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act; and SFPP stands for State Food Purchase Program. 1 Data by calendar Hits: 2 |
Five_Year_Outlook_2023.pdfof real services provided to service populations in the base year. Hence, most expenditure projections include an inflationary adjustment to compensate for rising prices. The report projects expenditures supported by General Fund revenues, as well as other revenue sources. To that due to retirements and departures at the upper end of the pay scale that are replaced by less experienced, lower compensated employees and the brief transition period in which positions are unfilled. The second factor reflects a (1) cost-of-living Hits: 2 |
EPLC_3_4_2022_update.pdfRelief Programs March 4, 2022 14 CY 2020 CY 2021 CY 2022 Total Payments to Individuals and Businesses State Unemployment Compensation $5.2 $0.8 $0.0 $6.0 Fed. Pandemic Unemployment Comp (FPUC) 16.2 8.8 0.0 25 842 1,193 1,199 1,423 1,399 Note: Millions of dollars. Excludes $165 million transfer to Worker’s Compensation Fund in FY 24-25. Executive Budget: Revenue Shifts, Education Funding March 4, 2022 22 General Fund Revenue Proposals ▪ ($79 Hits: 2 |
Wage_Contracts_PDA.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Wage Contract SEIU-FINAL.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Wage Contract PFBC-FINAL.pdfMedicare taxes, and 1 The agreement between the Commonwealth and the PFBC is only a one-year contract. 2 workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Wage Contract AFSCME-FINAL.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
UGSOA_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2024.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
UGSOA_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2021.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
UGSOA_Wage_Contract_ Analysis_2020.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
UFCW_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
TC_2023_Rural_Jobs_Investment.pdffirm demonstrate that a job is retained? Should only newly created jobs be used to compute penalties? ▪ What level of compensation do the investment firms receive in administrative costs or management fees? Those data won’t be available until the rural Hits: 1 |
TC_2022_Educational_Tax_Credits.pdfcertain cases, it is possible that schools could reduce positions and use those funds for other purposes or to increase compensation for staff that remain. Over longer periods, it is also possible that property taxes might increase at a slower rate Hits: 1 |
TC_2020_Organ and Bone Marrow Donation Tax Credit.pdfliving organ or bone marrow donation. 1 The credit is equal to the sum of (1) the employee compensation paid during the leave of absence (not to exceed five days), (2) the cost of any temporary replacement help and (3) any Hits: 1 |
State_Tax_Comparison_2024_02.pdfcapital income (e.g., interest, dividends and capital gains), pensions, IRA withdrawals and transfer income (e.g., Social Security, unemployment compensation). Pennsylvania ranked 18 th for PIT and was higher than the U.S. weighted ($1,791) and unweighted average ($1 Hits: 1 |
Single-Use Plastics Report-2020_06.pdf1 cent per bag) of the fee as net profits. In the fee scenario, the fee more than compensates retailers for their average bag costs, so retailers push most (but not all) net bag savings forward to consumers. It is noted Hits: 1 |
SEIU_Local_668_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
SEIU_HCPA_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
SEIU Healthcare Wage Contract Analysis- 2019.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
SD_Prop_Tax_Update_Jun_2024.pdfForecast Earned Income Tax revenues for FY 2023-24 are forecast by the IFO based on projected growth in gross compensation and net profits for state personal income tax. Funding Source 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 Hits: 1 |
Revenue_Proposal_Analysis_2023_05.pdfare those earning between $15 to $17.99 per hour as research finds that employers would likely need to increase compensation for employees within this wage range to maintain pay differentials with less-experienced or lower-skilled staff. For 2024, the Hits: 1 |
Revenue_Proposal_Analysis_2022_04.pdfper week, but a 20.8% reduction in weekly hours per worker. Fewer hours worked not only reduced total wage compensation but also eligibility for certain fringe benefits (e.g., health insurance), even when net employment at the stores was unchanged Hits: 1 |
Revenue_Estimate_Performance_2024_07.pdfthe Consolidated Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan) after the release of the estimate, which provided for extended unemployment compensation benefits, additional economic impact payments and more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program. As a result of the significant influx Hits: 1 |
Revenue_Estimate_Performance_2023_08.pdfthe Consolidated Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan) after the release of the estimate, which provided for extended unemployment compensation benefits, additional economic impact payments and more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program. As a result of the significant influx Hits: 1 |
Revenue_Estimate_2021_05_Presentation.pdf9 2.0 Related Points About 30% to 60% of EIPs spent. Most of that within 3 months. Most unemployment compensation is spent. Nearly 75% of non-PPP stimulus to residents with < $50k income. Per capita credit card debt down 14% Hits: 1 |
Revenue_and_Economic_Update_Presentation_2020_10.pdfDec Year-over-Year Growth Can growth maintain without supports? $936 million +4.3% Note: FPUC is Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation. PUA is Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. PPP is Paycheck Protection Program. LWA is Lost Wage Assistance. Growth rates control for revenue Hits: 1 |
Revenue-Estimate-Performance_2022_10.pdfthe Consolidated Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan) after the release of the estimate, which provided for extended unemployment compensation benefits, additional economic impact payments and more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program. As a result of the significant influx Hits: 1 |
Revenue-Estimate-Performance-2021-09.pdfthe Consolidated Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan) after the release of the estimate, which provided for extended unemployment compensation benefits, additional economic impact payments and more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program. As a result of the significant influx Hits: 1 |
Revenue-Estimate-2020-05-Presentation.pdfPayroll Jobs exclude independent contractors and self-employed. Job loss includes seasonal workers and those who cannot file for unemployment compensation. Sources: Value for 2020.1 jobs from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Virus and Mitigation Costs: COVID-19 Hits: 1 |
RB_2023_08_Wage_Contract.pdfassume no change in total complement and exclude salary adjustments for promotions. The table below illustrates the impact of the compensation provisions contained in the ratified AFSCME CBA for an average full-time state employee earning $52,070 on June 30 Hits: 1 |
RB_2023_02_ChildCare.pdfmaximum potential increase of $9,700 per annum (split evenly across years) if all ARPA funds were used to increase compensation for child care workers. However, providers only allocated a portion of ARPA funds to personnel costs. Based on data submitted Hits: 1 |
RB_2021_10_Inflation_Impact_Wages.pdfthe decline in real hourly earnings decelerated during the summer. These data do not reflect the expiration of federal unemployment compensation benefits, which ended the first week of September. That expiration could alleviate some pressures in the labor market and reduce Hits: 1 |
RB-2017-5.pdfof income such as wages, business income, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, employer contributions to pension and health insurance plans, unemployment compensation and transfer income (e.g., Social Security and various medical and income maintenance benefits). Payroll Employment The number of Hits: 1 |
RB-2016-02.pdfdevelops career ladders and highlights best practices. Keystone Works $500 $100 Provides business‐driven training opportunities for eligi‐ ble unemployment compensation claimants. Claimants remain eligible for bene Ðits while participating in the program and businesses are eligible to receive incentive payments Hits: 1 |
RB 2019 RACP.pdfbond law, the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and meet certain fidelity bond and insurance (workers’ compensation, general liability and property damage, and flood) thresholds. It should be noted that RACP payments are made on an on- Hits: 1 |
PSEA_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
PSEA Wage Contract Analysis- 2020.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
PSCOA Wage Contract Analysis- 2020.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Presentation_2017_02_10_EPLC.pdfover which policymakers exercise limited control. Includes human services, public safety, debt service, statutory funding shifts, pensions and employee compensation. Remaining expenditures classified as discretionary. Includes agency operations and the basic and special education subsidies. Non-Discretionary Expenditures 10 Hits: 1 |
Presentation-2018-11-19-CCAP.pdfGRT Overage (FY 18-19) $351 One-Time Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (FY 18-19) 342 PlanCon Increase 214 Workers’ Compensation Security Fund Transfer Repayment 165 GeneralAssistance Cash Grants 150 Community Healthchoices Regional Expansion 139 Lower FMAP – MA/CHIP (Medicaid expansion Hits: 1 |
PLEA_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
PLEA Wage Contract Analysis- 2019.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
PICA_Presentation_2020_11.pdfmost PA businesses able to reopen (limited) Year-over-Year Growth State $940 m Note: FPUC is Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation. PUA is Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. PPP is Paycheck Protection Program. LWA is Lost Wage Assistance. Growth rates control for revenue Hits: 1 |
PDA_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
PDA Wage Contract Analysis- 2019.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
PBB_Board_Hearing_Apr_28_2021.pdf19-20) and non-profit organizations ($650k in FY 19-20) to assist veterans receive benefits they are entitled to ▪ Compensation & pension benefits paid to PA vets increased: $2.4b (FFY 2015) to $2.9b (FFY 2019) PA veterans are generally Hits: 1 |
PBB_2023_EO_REPORT.pdfResources Administration The Office of Administration (OA) provides centralized human resources (HR) services, maintains the classification, pay, benefits and workers compensation systems; negotiates and administers collective bargaining agreements; recruits for Commonwealth positions; and provides training in management and supervisory skills for Hits: 1 |
PBB_2021_PennDOT_REPORT_ADDENDUM.pdfand competition with private sector opportunities and higher wages. For both, COVID-19 lockdown, economic stimulus payments, and generous unemployment compensation are likely contributing factors for the decline. Source: Recruitment Events Calendar. Note: The Infrastructure and Economic Development HR Delivery Center Hits: 1 |
PBB_2021_DHS_REPORT_ADDENDUM.pdfemployment for work per- formed on a full- or part-time basis (includes self-employment) for which they are (1) compensated at not less than the customary rate paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by persons Hits: 1 |
PBB_2020_DCED_REPORT.pdfOSBA is not funded through the General Fund but by annual assessments levied on Pennsylvania utilities and workers’ compensation insurers. Any monies not deployed by the OSBA are placed in trust for the next fiscal year operations. The primary goal and Hits: 1 |
PA_Chamber_June_17_2021.pdf4.9 2.0 Related Factoids About 30%-60% of EIPs spent. Most of that within 3 months. Most unemployment compensation is spent. Per capita credit card debt down 14% in 2021 Q1. Does not account for any fraud that flows Hits: 1 |
PA_Assoc_of_Community_Bankers_Presentation_2020_12.pdfclosures most PA businesses able to reopen (limited) Year-over-Year Growth $848 m Note: FPUC is Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation. PUA is Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. PPP is Paycheck Protection Program. LWA is Lost Wage Assistance. Growth rates control for revenue Hits: 1 |
OPEIU_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
OPEIU Wage Contract Analysis- 2019.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Official-Revenue-Estimate-2020-06-Presentation.pdfPayroll Jobs exclude independent contractors and self-employed. Job loss includes seasonal workers and those who cannot file for unemployment compensation. Sources: Value for 2020.1 jobs from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Miscellaneous Economic Notes Programs largely offset Hits: 1 |
Official-Revenue-Estimate-2018-06.pdfcomponent income series motivate the projec- tion of these major tax revenue sources. Wages and salaries reflect the compensation paid to payroll employees, and does not include self-employed individuals. All other in- come includes all non-wage income such as Hits: 1 |
MSC_March_31_2022.pdfRelief Programs March 31, 2022 5 CY 2020 CY 2021 CY 2022 Total Payments to Individuals and Businesses State Unemployment Compensation $5.2 $0.8 $0.0 $6.0 Fed. Pandemic Unemployment Comp (FPUC) 16.2 8.8 0.0 25 Hits: 1 |
MSC_March_31_2021.pdf2020-21. New Round of Federal Stimulus March 31, 2021 5 CARES CAA ARP Notes Payments to Individuals State Unemployment Compensation $5.2 $1.6 -- Federal Pandemic Unemploy Comp (FPUC) 16.2 3.4 4.5 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) 7 Hits: 1 |
MRU-2020-07.pdffrom COVID-19 business closures earlier this year and the continued effect of federal economic impact payments and enhanced unemployment compensation benefits. Personal income tax (PIT) collections for July were $2.31 billion, an increase of $1.29 billion (126.1 Hits: 1 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_October_2020.pdfcompared to the prior year. Transfer receipts increased by 83.8% driven by an increase in state and federal unemployment compensation. Wages and salaries declined in the second quarter for Pennsylvania and the United States -5.7% and -4.6% (year- Hits: 1 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_March_2023.pdfdata lag other labor market data by one month. • Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims Average new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. The average number of new claims decreased to 12,400 in January 2023, returning below the pre- Hits: 1 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_June_2021.pdf17% of the Pennsylvania workforce in 2019 Q3, but 19% of the job loss in 2020 Q3. Traditional continued unemployment compensation (UC) claims data (excludes the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program) from August 2020 published by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor Hits: 1 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_January_2023.pdflag other labor market data by one month. Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims Average new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. The average number of new claims increased to 14,600 in December 2022, meeting the pre-COVID Hits: 1 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_January_2022.pdfConsolidated Appropriations Act and American Rescue Plan. A second round of PPP loans injected another $10.0 billion, expanded unemployment compensation $16.1 billion and advance child tax credits $3.4 billion. While much of those funds have been spent, Federal Hits: 1 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_April_4_2023.pdflag other labor market data by one month. Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims Average new weekly claims for unemployment compensation during the month. The average number of new claims decreased to 9,300 in February 2023, which is lower than Hits: 1 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_April_2021.pdfbillion flowed to state residents in the form of economic impact payments and the extra $600 or $300 weekly unemployment compensation payments. FY 2020-21 lottery sales through March are $742 million higher than the same period in FY 2019-20 Hits: 1 |
Monthly_Economic_Update_April_2020.pdfending April 11, the U.S. Department of Labor released state data that show that estimated initial claims for unemployment compensation (UC) remain high (238,357), but declined compared to the prior week (277,640; -14.1%). Pennsylvania’s decline in Hits: 1 |
MGMT Nonrepresented Wage Contract.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Lancaster_Chamber_Presentation_ Oct_6_2021.pdfby rapid technological change or other economics shocks October 6, 2021 7 Where Did the Workers Go? (continued) Federal Unemployment Compensation payments expired in September ▪ Extended to 79 weeks | extra $300 per week | PUA program (~$515/wk) ▪ Not yet reflected in Hits: 1 |
Labor_Market_Update_June_23_2021.pdf2021 Q1, the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) estimates that state residents or businesses received $32.4 billion in federal unemployment compensation (UC), economic impact payments or forgivable Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. For 2021 Q2, the IFO estimates an additional $10 Hits: 1 |
Labor_Market_Update_June_2021.pdf2021 Q1, the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) estimates that state residents or businesses received $32.4 billion in federal unemployment compensation (UC), economic impact payments or forgivable Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. For 2021 Q2, the IFO estimates an additional $10 Hits: 1 |
ISSU_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
ISSU Wage Contract Analysis- 2019.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Initial-Revenue-Estimate-2018-05.pdfcomponent income series motivate the projec- tion of these major tax revenue sources. Wages and salaries reflect the compensation paid to payroll employees, and does not include self-employed individuals. All other in- come includes all non-wage income such as Hits: 1 |
IFO_Hearing_Materials_March_2023.pdfRelief Programs End Economics – Pandemic Relief Programs End 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Payments to Individuals or Businesses State Unemployment Compensation $5.2 $0.8 -- -- $6.0 Federal Pandemic Unemployment Comp (FPUC) 16.2 8.8 $0.1 $0.0 25 Hits: 1 |
IFO_Analyst_Opening.pdfsoftware (e.g., SAS) is a plus. The IFO is located in Harrisburg, approximately one block from the Capitol Complex. Compensation is based on education, skills and experience. A comprehensive benefits package is included. Interested applicants should submit a brief cover Hits: 1 |
HTAE_2019_05_15.pdf43,838 Avg Annual Growth -0.6% 4.7% 11.8% Note: Includes wage earners only who report that wage compensation comprises at least 90% of taxable income in both years. Filers do not change filing status. First group includes 106 Hits: 1 |
FOSCEP_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2024.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
FOSCEP Wage Contract Analysis- 2019.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
FOP_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2024.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Five_Year_Outlook_Presentation_2021.pdf193 1,199 1,423 1,399 3.0 Note: Millions of dollars. Excludes $165 million transfer to Worker’s Compensation Fund in FY 24-25. AAGR is average annual growth rate from FY 22-23 to FY 26-27. One Hits: 1 |
Five_Year_Outlook_2020_Presentation_Final.pdf835 1,247 1,363 1,126 1,260 Note: Millions of dollars. Excludes $165 million transfer to Worker’s Compensation Fund in FY 24-25. One Time Measures Boost Revenues, Reduce Expenditures January 21, 2021 19 FY 20-21 Notes Hits: 1 |
Five_Year_Outlook_2016_IFO_PPT.pdfover which policymakers exercise limited control. Includes human services, public safety, debt service, statutory funding shifts, pensions and employee compensation. Remaining expenditures classified as discretionary. Includes agency operations and the basic and special education subsidies. 11/15/2016 26 Hits: 1 |
EPLC-2-19-21.pdf835 1,247 1,363 1,126 1,260 Note: Millions of dollars. Excludes $165 million transfer to Worker’s Compensation Fund in FY 24-25. Executive Budget: New Revenue, Education Funding February 19, 2021 21 General Fund Revenue and Fee Hits: 1 |
CompetePA_March_11_2021.pdf12.4% New Round of Federal Stimulus March 11, 2021 5 CARES CAA ARP Notes Payments to Individuals State Unemployment Compensation $5.2 $1.6 -- CAA is full year amount Federal Pandemic Unemploy Comp (FPUC) 16.2 3.4 $4.5 Hits: 1 |
CIVEA_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
CIVEA Wage Contract Analysis- 2019.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Budget_Roundtable_Response_Letter_02_2024.pdfnew debt with those that paid down debt using federal stimulus (e.g., economic impact payments, PPP loans, enhanced unemployment compensation) during the federal health emergency. Representative Gleim requested data on loans or withdrawals taken from IRAs to pay down debt Hits: 1 |
Analysis of Recent Collective Bargaining Agreements.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
ALES_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2024.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
ALES Wage Contract Analysis- 2019.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 40% implies that those costs increase by 40 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
AFSCME_Wage_Contract_Analysis_2023.pdfrate reflects indirect costs related to employee wages such as employer pension contributions, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and workers’ compensation payments. For example, a benefit rate of 45% implies that those costs increase by 45 cents for each dollar increase Hits: 1 |
Act_1_Index_Update_Nov_2023.pdfbroader metric than the SAWW because (1) it is for the U.S., not just Pennsylvania, and (2) it includes compensation, wages and salaries, healthcare, and other benefits. The ECI measures the overall cost of labor and excludes the impact of Hits: 1 |
ACN_SB1_technical_corrections_2017_06_05.pdfOn page 5, added that the final average salary for SERS would apply to the five highest calendar years of compensation. Also on page 5, clarified that the final average salary limitation on voluntary overtime pay applies only to new hazardous Hits: 1 |
2024_Wage_Contract_Summary_Table.pdf30/2027 9/19/2023 65 116 159 200 540 SEIU UC Referees Service Employees International Union, Local 668 - Unemployment Compensation 7/1/2023 6/30/2027 2/15/2024 0 1 1 2 4 SEIU Healthcare Service Employees International Union Hits: 1 |
2019_Wage_Contract_Summary_Table.pdf25.6 56.3 89.3 119.0 290.1 SEIU UC Referees Service Employees International Union, Local 668 - Unemployment Compensation Referees 7/1/2019 6/30/2023 5/7/2020 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 2.1 Hits: 1 |
2007_divestment_complete_report.pdfTeachers’ Insurance Annuity Association - College Retirement Equity Fund); • The endowments of public institutions of higher education; • The IRC 457 Deferred Compensation Plan (administered by a third-party administrator overseen by SERS) maintained as a supplemental plan for Commonwealth employees; and • The Hits: 1 |
Pensionsadjusted annually by an amount equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index), less the amount of any workers' compensation or pension benefit payable to an eligible beneficiary; 2) repeal Section 5(e)(2) of the Municipal Police Pension Law Hits: 1 |